
University of Notre Dame, BA 1987.

University of Wisconsin Law School, JD 1990.

Certified Financial Planner, 2005.


Beyond the Will in Estate Planning (Greater Milwaukee Foundation, 2016).

Legacy Planning with Charitable Lead Trusts (Aurora Health Care Foundation Newsletter, 2012).

Buyout Traps for Privately-Held Businesses (Milwaukee BizTimes, 2011).

Compensating Key Employees of Small and Mid-Size Businesses, (Wisconsin Lawyer, 2009).

Multi-Generational Estate Planning, The Practical Tax Lawyer, (American Legal Institute-American Bar
Association, 2007).

Life Insurance Planning With Qualified Plans: What's Left After 2004 Guidance, BNA/Tax Management
website (www.bnatax.com) - co-author.

Life Insurance Planning With Qualified Plans and IRAs, Journal of Estates, Gifts & Trusts, Vol. 29
(BNA, 2004) - co-author.

Advanced Planning Bulletin, Northwestern Mutual, Editor-in-Chief (1999-2004).

Funding Charitable Lead Trusts with S Corporation Stock, Journal of Estates, Gifts & Trusts, Vol. 27
(BNA, 2002) - co-author.

Lifetime Charitable Giving (Northwestern Mutual, 1997, 2001) - co-author.

Guide to Stock Options, (Northwestern Mutual, 1998).

Guide to Section 457 Plans, (Northwestern Mutual, 1997, 2002) - co-author.

Choosing the Trustee of a Charitable Remainder Trust, Estate Planning, Vol. 24 (RIA, 1997).

Drafting Charitable Remainder Trusts, Wisconsin Lawyer (1995).

Speaking Engagements

National speaker at professional continuing education seminars sponsored by estate
planning councils, bar associations, colleges and foundations. Past sponsors include YMCA of Metropolitan Milwaukee,
Medical College of Wisconsin, Wheaton-Franciscan St. Joseph's Hospital Foundation,
Waukesha County Estate Planning Council, Chicago Estate Planning Council,
North Carolina Bar Association, Wisconsin Bar Association, Milwaukee Bar Association,
Raleigh-Durham Estate Planning Council, Orange County California Bar Association,
Arkansas Children's Hospital Foundation, Marquette University, and Morningside College.
Frequent presenter at financial services
meetings, including those sponsored by Northwestern Mutual, Catholic Family Life
Insurance Company, Financial Planning Association of Southeast Wisconsin,
Mass Mutual Financial Group, Cornerstone Financial Group, NAIFA-Milwaukee, and State Farm.

Professional / Volunteer Affiliations

Wisconsin Bar, 1990-present (active member)

Illinois Bar, 1990-present (active member)

2018 Professional Advisor of the Year - Greater Milwaukee Foundation

Wheaton-Franciscan St. Joseph's Hospital Foundation, Board of Directors (2009-2011)

Past President-Society of Financial Services Professionals (Milwaukee Chapter), 2006-2007

Past President-Marshfield Sunrise Rotary Club, 1995.