The purpose of estate planning is to take care of the persons you care about.
It may involve the preparation of legal documents that are
intended to avoid probate and minimize taxes. However, this is merely a part of the process.
Michael G. May LLC is committed to helping you develop an estate plan that is
uniquely yours - one that is clear, easy to understand, and tailored to your needs - and all with a minimum of red tape.
The services provided in the course of developing an estate plan include an initial
consultation to determine where or to whom your estate will be distributed, the
timing of distributions to your beneficiaries, how investments will be managed, and who will handle
your estate upon your death or disability. Afterward, a draft of your plan will be mailed
to you. Once you have approved the plan and any changes, a final appointment
will be scheduled to sign and witness documents.
As part of this process, the following areas may be considered:
- Wills
- Trusts
- Powers of Attorney
- Marital Property Agreements
- Gift & Estate Tax Planning
- Generation Skipping Tax Planning
- Asset Protection
- Retirement Plan Distribution Tax Analysis
- Probate Avoidance
- Non-Citizen Estate Planning
- Probate and Estate Settlements
- Charitable Planning
Creating an estate plan involves important decisions that will affect you and your family
for years to come. It should not be an assembly-line experience. We offer a sophisticated range of services,
aimed at achieving the most direct path toward meeting your goals.